The Malayalam language is communicated in Kerala, a state in Southern India. Malayalam language is one of the official Indian languages and is spoken by 35 million people globally. Malayalam is derived from the archaic Dravidian languages and uses the Malayalam script. The language is also widely used in the bordering states of Lakshadweep Islands, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka. It is a multinational language used in Bahrain, Fiji, Israel, Malaysia, Qatar, Singapore, UAE, and other countries in the Gulf. The ancients known Malayalam written script dates to 830 and is known as the Vazhappalli. Although, it is closely related to Tamil, but is more influenced by Sanskrit.
Know Malayalam Language Insights
● Malayalam is one of the 22nd official languages and 14 regional languages of India.
● It has several dialects.
● Formal Vs Informal: Malayalam consists of two basic styles: A formal one, which is used in most writing, radio, TV Programs, and public speaking.
● Regional: Ethnologue recognizes several regional dialects of Malayalam. Among them are Central Kerala, Kasargod, Kayavar, Malabar, Malayalam, Moplah (Mapilla), Nagari-Malayalam, Namboodiri, Nasrani, Nayar, North Kerala, Pulaya, South Kerala (Ethnologies). These regional dialects are represented by distinctions in pronunciation and vocabulary.
● Social: There are also several social varieties depending on caste and religion, as the differences seem visible in the speech of Hindus, Muslims, and Christians, within a single demographic area.
● Spoken Malayalam is rapidly evolving to standardized due to the impact of the abundance of education and the growing influence of mass media.
● Malayalam has 12 vowels phonemes. All vowels except /i/ and /ə/ can be short or long.
● Grammatically, Malayalam is agglutinative; it adds suffixes one after another, to stem the words and to describe grammatical functions. There is no total limit on the length and extent of agglutination in Malayalam, sometimes resulting in very lengthy words.
Choosing the right Malayalam Translation for You!!
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