Somya Translators Pvt. Ltd. based on excellence and true commitment to customer service is here to help you to translate your document making it available for people who don't speak your language. We provide Translation Services in over 100+ languages.Continuously, we are adding new languages and value added services at an attractive price to cater to various companies budgetary demands for their value of money.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Interpreting & Translation Services of an emergency need for interpreters in COVID-19 epidemic.
A facility elsewhere had a COVID-19 epidemic.
The company Somya Trans office is available 24/7 for COVID-19 epidemic emergencies. Somya Trans offers facility with the outbreak needed for to cover any languages for any business.
Interpreters and translators probably are not among the first professionals who come to mind when thinking of first responders or “essential services” during these times.
Poorly handled interpreting of spoken words or translating of written materials can lead to misinterpretation. And that can have intense effects during a health crisis.
For example, if someone at the facility with an outbreak didn’t understand English and didn’t have the help of a trained interpreter, could there have been a misunderstanding? What if that employee stopped at the store on his or her way home instead of immediately quarantining?
“We know that this (COVID-19) information needs to get out quickly and that the information needs to be accurate. So using qualified, expert professionals to perform these translations is very important.”
We continue to strive with our vision to provide essential support to government, health care and law enforcement with the highest quality linguistic services during this critical situation of COVID -19. Our team is working from home with 24*7 availability and doing their best to serve our clients during the Lockdown period. We also have a discount for translating COVID-19 materials.
Stay home, Stay Safe!!
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
How to find the Right Assistance for Your Technical Translation Service Needs
आपकी तकनीकी अनुवाद सेवाओं की जरूरत के लिए सही सहायता खोजना
आप एक ऐसी खोज पर जा रहे हैं जिससे व्यक्तिगत दस्तावेज़ अनुवाद सेवाओं औरतकनीकी अनुवाद सेवाओं की परिशुद्धता की जाँच होगी जिसे आस पास की अनुवाद कम्पनियाँ
उच्च स्तर पर करने का दावा
करती हैं। जबसे आपको एक रूसी शोध पत्रिका अनुवाद करने के लिए अपने साथ
काम करने वाले एक व्यक्ति जोकि रूस में है से मिली है और आप उसका प्रयोग एक प्रत्यक्ष संदर्भ के रूप में अपनी मास्टर्स क्लास के लिए करने की सोच रहे हैं। आपको इस बात का ध्यान रखने की भी ज़रूरत है कि आपको अपने द्वारा दिए हुए पैसे का
ही काम उस अनुवाद कार्य से मिले जिसे आप एक ट्रांसलेशन फर्म को करने के लिए देने
वाले हैं। बेशक, आप एक ऐसी अनुवाद सेवा को खोज रहे हैं जो आपकी सारी अनुवाद
सम्बंधित समस्याओं का निवारण कर दे। ऐसे में आपको पहले क्या करना चाहिए?, उस शोध
पत्रिका को गहन अनुवाद के लिए देने से पहले नीचे कुछ टिप्स दिए गए हैं जो आपको एक
सही अनुवाद फर्म चुनने में मदद करेंगे जो आपकी अनुवाद सम्बन्धी सारी समस्याओं का
निवारण कर देगी।
सबसे पहले उसके
पोर्टफोलियो की मांग करें या जांचें कि एक अनुवाद फर्म
किस प्रकार की सेवाएँ उपलब्ध करवा सकती है।
एक कंपनी के पोर्टफोलियो में अक्सर अपने ग्राहकों के लिए क्या करने की क्षमता होना
सारांश में दिया होता है। इस प्रकार से एक ट्रांसलेशन फर्म के पोर्टफोलियो में
उसके द्वारा अपने ग्राहकों को क्या सेवाएँ दी जा रही हैं इसका विवरण होने चाहिए,
वह किस विशिष्ट क्षेत्र में निपुणता रखते हैं, और वह किस
प्रकार के दस्तावेजों का अनुवाद करते हैं इसकी भी महत्वपूर्ण
जानकारी होनी चाहिए। इन सब ज़रूरी चीज़ों का एक अनुवाद फर्म के पोर्टफोलियो में होना
ज़रूरी है कि वह किन सेवाओं का लाभ उठा सकते हैं जिससे ग्राहकों को उनके द्वारा दी
गयी सेवाओं के बारे में सही मार्गदर्शन मिल सके और उन्हें इस बात का फैसला करने
में भी मदद मिल जाए कि क्या वह अपने दस्तावेजों को अनुवाद के लिए उस कम्पनी को
सौंप सकते हैं या नहीं।
प्रशंसापत्र और संतुष्ट
ग्राहकों को ढूंढे जो एक अनुवाद फर्म की विश्वसनीयता कि पुष्टि करते हैं।
आपको एक सही अनुवाद फर्म
की खोज में मदद के लिए, आपको इन अनुवाद सेवा प्रदाताओं के लिए संतुष्ट ग्राहकों
द्वारा दिए गए प्रशंसापत्रों को खोजना चाहिए। क्योंकि यह प्रशंसापत्र आपको विश्लेषण
करने में मदद करते हैं कि इन सभी अनुवादकों में से कौन सा सबसे सर्वश्रेष्ट सेवाएँ
और अनुलाभ देता है, ताकि आपको सही अनुवाद कम्पनी को चुनने में मदद मिले। यह
प्रशंसापत्र आपको यह अंतर्दृष्टि भी प्रदान करते हैं की कौन से अनुवाद कार्य इन
कम्पनियों को दिए जाते हैं और इस बात का भी मूल्यांकन करने में मदद करेंगे के क्या
आप इनमें से किसी अनुवाद फर्म के पास अपने काम के लिए जायेंगे या नहीं।
उन्हें एक छोटा
और आसान सा अनुवाद आदेश देकर उनकी सेवाओं को जांचें।
अगर उनकी क्षमता को
प्रमाणित करने के लिए कोई प्रशंसापत्र न मिले तो फिर उनसे अपने नीजी अनुवादसेवाओं और तकनीकी अनुवाद सेवाओं के दस्तावेज़ मंगवाएं, उन्हें आसान से अनुवाद
आदेश देकर फिर उनकी क्षमताओं को जांचें। अगर आपके पास उतना धन और समय है तो इन सभी
संस्थान की क्षमताओं को परीक्षण और त्रुटी विधि से एक एक कर जांचेंगे, तो आप सर्वश्रेष्ठ
अनुवाद फर्म ढूँढने में पूर्णरुप से मार्गदर्शित हो जायेंगे जो आपको आपकी ज़रूरत के
हिसाब से उच्च स्तर की सेवाएँ प्रदान करे।
काम पर लगाये हुए अनुवादकों की योगता की जाँच करें।
उनके अनुवादकों की योग्यता और कौशल की जाँच करके आप इस बात का पता लगा सकते
हैं कि वह कम्पनी किस क्षेत्र में निपूणता रखती है। इससे आपको मुल्यांकन एवं
समानता करने में मदद मिलेगी कि क्या आपके दस्तावेज़ कम्पनी के कार्यक्षेत्र से मेल खाते
हैं कि नहीं, जिससे आप निशिचिंत हो जायें के आपको अंततः सबसे सर्वश्रेष्ठ अनुवाद
वाले परिणाम ही मिलेंगे।
सिर्फ इन चार क़दमों से ही आप जल्द ही अपने लिए सही अनुवाद सेवा प्रदाता का चुनाव कर सकते हैं, चाहे वह नीजी या तकनीकी दस्तावेज़ हों, जो आपकी ज़रूरतों और अनुवाद के विनिर्देशों के हिसाब से ठीक बैठे और जिससे आपको सिर्फ वही परिणाम मिलें पैसा वसूल हों।
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
A Multimedia Translation is widely known as Audio-Visual
Translation. The different modes of this type of translations include Audio
(radio), Audio and Visual (Screen), or written, Audio and Visual (Multimedia)
channels are used as source texts. The process of translating in Radio is very
much similar to that of the translating voice-over for TV interviews.
An Audio-Visual Translation may hold all translations, as like
for production or postproduction in any media or format. This may also includes
new areas of media accessibility, like subtitling for the deaf or hearing
impaired and audio description for the blind and visually impaired peoples.
Firstly, training translators in this specialized field had to simulate
the working conditions, the software programs and original Audio-Visual
contents to translate are needed, along with professional translators to teach
about all the related fields.
Other such software’s like “Subtitul@m” and “REVOice” resolves
the first problem which are used to simulate subtitling and dubbing or
voice-over. But to teach the translators with the help of expert teachers of this
field are still a challenge for recreation the actual working condition only
the active professionals could offer the day to day experience, and they had to
be prepared to follow a timetable and never ending preparation and correction
of the tasks. With the help of these professionals we are able to understand
the Movies or TV conversations which are not somewhat understandable to us.
In today’s world it has increased the demand for dubbing,
subtitling and has also opened the opportunity for many professionals. Some
companies offer an excellent location for Audio-Visual translation research and for teaching the traditional and new online
The whole area of the Audio-Visual Translation includes not only
the “State of the Art” research and teaching of Audio-Visual Translation, but
it also the professionals’ experiences. The two elements, translation and Audio-Visuals,
have been accepted to language learning in general and subtitling calls for a
variety of skills that can be improved through the activities in the different
stages of the subtitling process.
After complete the subtitling
process each projects undergoes some verification process. First, one native
speaker is read the subtitle file without watching the video. It allows identifying
the mistakes in spellings or punctuations in the subtitles. Second step of
verification is simulation. The film or program is screened with complete
subtitles and check for any errors of the previous processes.
In the today’s world a very good professional perspective of the
Audio-Visual Translations is “Film Dubbing”.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Assamese Translation Importance in Business Perspectives
As we know translation is related to two languages.
Language is the most important factor in the life of all beings in this world.
We use language to express internal thoughts and emotions. Language makes sense
of complex and abstract thoughts. We use language to communicate with others
and fulfil our wants and needs, as well as to establish rules and maintain
our culture.
Generally, the word “Translation” is the process of
translating words or text from one language into another. In recent years language
translation and interpreting
industry has been described using the terms of Globalization,
Internationalization, Localization, and Translation. The importance of
translation in international business focuses on every growing body of
theoretical and empirical works.
In India illiteracy
is a huge problem in development. But prosperous business or industry wants to
make understandable the thought, purpose and scheme of any product to all the general
people. It is frequently said that communication is one of the most important
aspect of any successful business. Moreover, each people can't be able to understand
all the languages of the world. So, now here it starts the needing of
translation. Translation services and agencies are become the solution of this
kind of communication problem. Fortunately, translation services are plentiful to assist
you in this seeking.
Great language translation services need this ideally
suggests that the firm offers translators who are proficient in languages but
are additionally generally natives of the nation. This is because language is a quite complex
thing, varying from one country to another, and it’s important to pay attention
to subtleties that the translator should be aware of. Two sentences which have the
same meaning for English-speaking individuals can have very different ones in a
different nation. Virtually any translator, as a result, should understand not
merely how to say things, but additionally the best way to say them in the
appropriate context. For the most
appropriate language translation services we should try to find best
translators. The translator must confirm spelling, pronunciation, and other
crucial information.
must verify the quality of the translation.
To maintain effective quality of translation we use various software. These
software’s are the kind of a tool. These tools define the missing of
translation, punctuation error, spacing problem etc. Today there are several translation companies and translation
services who can either involved in quality or in maintaining their position in
business world because, they are not able to maintain such type of situation
every time. Beside that importance of translation software for business
purposes became increasingly mandatory for almost all companies since
the web has broken the boards in between every country.
When we talk about Assamese translation
it also aspects the above requirements. Assamese is the most prosperous
language in north-east. As I mentioned above that if a business wants to become
successful then it should be best communicational. Hence, I am working as a Assamese
language co-ordinator in Somya Translator Pvt. Ltd. watching that there is huge expectation
of Assamese language. Recently we have
done a vast project of Assamese Translation. In this project we translated
about the life stories of grate people of India. We always try to maintain the highest quality of
any translation. So that we have successfully completed this project. Thus, Assamese people become understand and
know about the grate personalities of India. If anyone gets any information or knowledge
in his/her own native language, then it would be most helpful for communication.
This rule is also applied for a business also. So, at the end we can say
translation is the most proper way to communicate for a successful business.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Importance and main relational aspects of Subtitling In Translation World
At present subtitling is become an important field of translation which includes dubbing, voiceover and audio description. Subtitle translation has become very popular and ultimately more important more than ever. Initially we use subtitles in movies only. But in this digital era, almost everything in audio and video format is subtitled. It helps to the deaf viewers who are hard-of-hearing to follow the dialog. It also helps the people who cannot understand the spoken dialogue.
The process of subtitling is to add text in the form of subtitles to a video which are timed to match the dialogue on the video. It is a complex process of adaptation of dialogues to a written text within a whole set of parameters including space limits, rhythm of speech, register and many more. As a result the content of the dialogue has to be cut down to fit in the subtitles. Sometimes the content has to be translated and the subtitles also have to be ‘spotted’ or timed carefully to match the dialogue. A best subtitling would depend on the appropriate changes in sentence, language structure and effective cuts. One must need to have a real art to create subtitles. So, it is necessary to take lots of training and practice to become an efficient subtitler.
The uses of subtitles are expanded in various fields like business, online marketing, advertisement, multimedia etc. Though subtitling and subtitle translation is very much hopeful field for a person it is facing some problems which are preventing the expansion of the market. Therefore it hinders new business opportunities to arise cost, time and quality.
Now we can say that subtitles are very much important part of translation world. As any linguist enhance its areas as subtitling and interpretation. These are interlinked with translation. Subtitling is not a new area. But it has become a very significant part of translation. So, recently subtitling and audio-visual translation have been recognized as the areas that could greatly get benefit from the introduction Statistical MT Techniques (SMT) followed by post-editing techniques to increase productivity and enhance the quality of the results. The future of subtitles is so much hopeful.
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Bring success to your business through selection of right translation agency
The essential feature of today's business is that they are becoming increasingly global and crossing the culture barriers. The need and the demand for high-quality language services are greater than ever before. Professional translators with in-depth experience in various technical subjects are especially in demand. Many business activities need this service at some point. How do you go about choosing a right agency for your requirements? What are the key considerations and expectations and how do you ensure quality translations while saving on costs?
Few tips are given below to select a right translation agency.
1: Use a professional translator: If you want a professional translation, you should choose a professional translation provider. The translator should have enough skills, knowledge and experience.
2: Understand the requirements for your translation: There are several important questions you should ask yourself before looking for a good agency.
Should specific terminology be used? What is the target audience? Do you only want a manual translated, or also your company brochure and website? Even if you want these translated at different stages, it is advisable to indicate this at the company. They can create a glossary and translation memory for your specific content. It is also important to know what language your target audience speaks.
3: What type of agency suits you? There are many different kinds of translation agencies. Do you prefer dealing with a local service provider so that you can have personal contact? Would you prefer a large agency? Whatever your preference, it is important to know what quality you can expect of the translation agency.
4: Get the information of several agencies: It is wise to compare several translation agencies with each other. You can contact anyone in your network of contacts who has experience with a translation agency? That is the quickest way to get information about the agencies. The internet is also a very useful source of information. To determine whether a agency is professional, you can examine the following:
- Is the website written flawlessly? Professional translators are writers and write text that is pleasant to read. A website littered with typing and spelling errors casts a great deal of doubt on whether they can provide professional translations.
5: Discuss your needs with the translation agency: It is always better to discuss with the agency about your specific needs for a translation. In addition to indicating the language(s) to translate to, you can indicate your preferences on style, layout, or any such requirement.
6: Ask the translation agency how they guarantee quality: Each translation firm assures about the quality aspect, but it is important to know how they will achieve it. Thus, ensure that the agency has enough experience to handle the such projects.
You can also confirm whether the translation company makes use of specific translation software. These IT solutions provide the highest quality and speed in your translations.
Last but not the least, you can always trust and have us complete a test translation for you, so you will know what to expect and what you get.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
The Prospect & Prominence of Interpretation & Translation Industry
World today comprises of numerous languages, as each country have its own specific language to communicate. India itself is a vast and land of various languages. Therefore there will be always the need of translators and interpreters in India. Not only in India, but in the entire world, Interpreters and Translators have a very important role to play in business, communication, and upliftment of the society. The future of the world’s progress depends on the Interpreting services and Translation services.
What is Interpretation & Translation?
Interpretation is the transmission of meaning between spoken languages, while translation is the transmission of meaning between written languages. Interpreters and translators render the help needed for communication between different language speakers by converting one language to another. They should also take into consideration the cultures associated with their languages of expertise. They also should convey the style and tone of the native language and provide spoken or written messages accurately.
Interpreting services & Translation Services
Interpreting and Translation services are highly sought after all over the world. These services are much needed in almost every important subject area like legal, medical, financial and marketing. With major economic growth in the world, the necessity to translate or interpret one language to other languages has increased over the past few years. Be it simple translations or interpretation of legal, medical or business documents to intricate conversions of technical instruction guides or financial field, interpretation and translation services are much required.
The Future of the Interpretation & Translation Industry
Due to the growth of globalization in every aspect or field of businesses, tourism, medical, etc interpretation and translation industries are more in demand than ever. These industries can provide their support to boost the economy of a country. With the advancement of technology they have improvised their techniques in providing services by including technical assistance and modified machines which enhances and helps the interpreters and translators. These industries have a bright future ahead as they have a broad area to cater their services.
They provide their services:
• In technical field to translate or interpret various technical documents like user manuals, software design documents, etc. With the advent of latest digital technologies like Android, IOS, Big Data and creation of advanced engineering gadgets, the interpretation and translation services would become one of the powerful instruments to meet the pace of time.
• In the field of business and e-commerce, because of globalization it is not limited to one country. When dealing in business with other countries, language becomes a great barrier and if the deals are not discussed clearly, there might be various gaps among the two companies. To deal with this challenge, almost all the MNC companies takes help of these methodologies of interpretation and translation to ensure clear and effective meetings with other companies.
• In the fields of science or medical, they provide interpreters for the medical conferences that are arranged globally. As time passes, research and development to counter complex diseases and invention of relevant advanced medicines not only for humans but also for plants would take place which would necessitate the usage of interpretation and translation services.
• In finance and economics, as businesses are now being done across the globe with consumers who understand different languages, translation and interpretation has become very crucial to achieve profit. For developing countries this will be mandatory in future as well for an organisation to get the desired result.
• In the legal field they also cater their help in interpreting or translating different legal documents like patent applications, documents for acquisition and merger agreements, copyrights, contracts, leases, employment bonds, etc. In future there might arise more complex situation between different countries. To ensure smooth solution of the conflict between two entities in two different geographies, interpreters and translators will be the key to success.
• In tourism, their services are required utmost. With the help of interpreter, people can travel to any part of the world without thinking about the language barrier. They also provide services in translating pamphlets, brochures, etc. As travelling has become important in person’s life this tourism industry will further expand and will generate the usage of various travel documents and artefacts, and then translators and interpreters will come into the frame.
Thus, we can see the variety of domains where handshaking with the translation services and interpreting services is imperative. This industry is definite to have a steady growth in the coming days due to the more and more expansion of business, technologies, and language across the globe.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
How Machine Translation Is Differ From Original Translation
An automated translation
is called Machine Translation (MT). In this process computer software is used
to translate a text from one source language to another target language. In any
translation, human or machine, it is most essential that the original meaning
of the source must reflect in the translation part. Any translator must be
expertise in the proper Grammar, sentence framing and meanings of both source
and target languages.
Two individual
translators never produce same translations of the same text of same language
pair and it go through several procedures to meet customer satisfaction. But
the most challengeable part is “how machine translation can produce a quality
Machine translation often
allows for customization by domain or profession improving output by limiting
the scope of allowable substitutions. This technique is particularly effective
in domains only where formal or formulaic languages are used. It may support the
machine translation of government and legal documents which may produces usable
output than conversation or less standardized text.
On the other hand, in human translation the expert translators and linguists evaluate the project using
methods agreed to ahead of time. The translator will translate the written text
to a language that is requested and translate verbally to the listeners in the
best of knowledge in normal and efficient voice. We can rely on human
translation to be free of or limited mistakes as compared to machine
translations and to flow naturally and with complete confidence from the
In most of the time we
can’t rely on machine for translation. Software parses text and creates a
transitional representation from which the target is generated. Before starting
any translation, there need to understand the source text from the part of the
human translator. In the human translation, the translator must be familiar
with the whole document. There is no machine translation is capable of interpretation,
in this case the human translation or interpretation requires. Because only the
human translator is able of interpreting components. It may exist in the source
and cannot be translated the terms. But a machine translation does it into the
language of the target text. One of the most difficult tasks of translation is
how to keep the same effect left by the source in the target. In comparison
with a human translation the machine translation has proved its weakness. The
human translator is in the position to understand the different cultural,
linguistic and semantic factors contributing to leaving the same effect, means
in the target it is same as in the meaning of source.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Importance of Translation for the Development of India in Modern Age
India is the country of mix culture. The culture makes the difference among the people of India. The difference comes in all the aspects of human life. The difference of wearing, fooding, worship, marriage process, life style and most important is the difference of language. Language is such a key by which we can recognize the person’s culture. However, a question arises here. How could people communicate with each other
in such a place of language variation? The development of a country depends on the whole people’s support to a country. But, if people do not communicate each other than it is never be possible. The solution of the problem is ‘translation’.
It is not possible for any person to learn all the languages. However, it is possible for a person to learn at least two languages. The process of translation is not new. When people learned how to speak with each other from that time people uses translation as a way of communication. But the difference is in the process. In ancient time people translate verbally which is called interpretation. Now translation means the written form of transformation of one language text to another language text. Recently, the translation and interpretation has expanded its fields.
Translation has become a profession. As we know, India is a country of diversity. Therefore, the diversity of language makes people to take the benefit of it. Translation is a way to vanish the distance among nations and cultures. There are many translation industries in India. The demands of these kinds of industries increasing day by day. In such a competitive market, it is not possible to get jobs easily. The translation companies have engaged many people. The development of a country is depends on the welfare of each person of a country. If every person is financially strong then only we would hope for a developed country. So, translation is also a very good profession for a person. One can spend a respective life by engaging in translation.
At the end, I want to say that the translation is contributing in the development of India directly or indirectly. The future of translation is very much hopeful in India. It would become a way of earnings of many more people of India.
in such a place of language variation? The development of a country depends on the whole people’s support to a country. But, if people do not communicate each other than it is never be possible. The solution of the problem is ‘translation’.
It is not possible for any person to learn all the languages. However, it is possible for a person to learn at least two languages. The process of translation is not new. When people learned how to speak with each other from that time people uses translation as a way of communication. But the difference is in the process. In ancient time people translate verbally which is called interpretation. Now translation means the written form of transformation of one language text to another language text. Recently, the translation and interpretation has expanded its fields.
Translation has become a profession. As we know, India is a country of diversity. Therefore, the diversity of language makes people to take the benefit of it. Translation is a way to vanish the distance among nations and cultures. There are many translation industries in India. The demands of these kinds of industries increasing day by day. In such a competitive market, it is not possible to get jobs easily. The translation companies have engaged many people. The development of a country is depends on the welfare of each person of a country. If every person is financially strong then only we would hope for a developed country. So, translation is also a very good profession for a person. One can spend a respective life by engaging in translation.
At the end, I want to say that the translation is contributing in the development of India directly or indirectly. The future of translation is very much hopeful in India. It would become a way of earnings of many more people of India.
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Multilingual Voice-Over Services
Your search for capable localization partner who can assist you with multilingual voice over services ends here. STPL offers professional voice-over service in many languages. We cater complete voice production for a variety of mediums including online presentations, video, and film as well as TV programs. STPL audio - video localization services have the experience and the talent required to produce high-quality voice productions that deliver your message exactly as per your expectation. Outstanding quality at competitive pricing with excellent customer service... that's how we've been satisfying our customers round the globe!
Our multilingual audio-visual localization services included: Website voice-overs, e-learning software and applications, computer games, Flash and multimedia courses, corporate training audio and video, medical and technical narration, multimedia CD ROM and DVD presentations, multimedia marketing materials, demonstration & instruction materials, and much more.
Specialized Teams:
STPL work with highly professional studio production teams and we only hire native voice-overs professionals who are experienced in the specific subject matter. Our dedicated project manager will work closely with you when selecting voice talent and bilingual directors.
High-Quality Deliverable:
STPL's proven methodologies and specialized studio production team ensure that we only deliver high-quality products. Before delivering files back to the customer, each file goes through a number of quality assurance steps including: removing extra pauses, breaths, extraneous noises, and creating in/out fades. Depending on clients unique requirements, we prepare multimedia files to deliver in a variety of formats, including: .avi, .asf, .dv, .wmv, .mov, .qt, .3g2, .3gp, .3gp2, .3gpp, .gsm, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp4, .m4v, .mp4v, .cmp, .divx, .xvid, .264, .rm, .rmvb, .flv, .mkv, and .ogm.
Request a Quote for Multilingual Voice-Over Services:
For more information on how STPL can assist you with all of your localization needs, please contact us at or you may call us at +91-9990094796
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